Hello all. To those who care to know, and I know you all do!!! =) I have updated this site to use 100% quickContent objects. In addition, I have added categories for my writings, that I hope to expand on soon in the coming months. I have decided to take the initiative and write a new article at least once a week. Some of these writings will be technical articles and some just rants on daily life or just my ongoings as I travel through this wonderful thing we all call life. I hope you'll all join me on my journey and don't forget to leave some comments (I'll hopefully be getting the user system hashed out so you can reset forgotten passwords and edit your profiles).Read on for the newest enhancements
- 'Remember Me' - You can now login and the system will remember you until you log out (or you clear your cookies).
- New Comments' - If you are logged in, the system will let you know which comments are new. In the writings section, you'll be able to see if there are any new comments from the list view.
- 'New/Updated Writings' - If you are logged in, the system will let you know which writings are 'New' or 'Updated'. Eventually, I will be creating a block or section so you can go there to see what content is new since the last time you visited the site.
- QuickContent Objects - as mentioned before, the site now uses 100% quickContent objects where possible. This means that all my content on this site is controlled using the same basic object that has been extented on to meet the needs of a specific section.
- Friends - I've added a new side block with a list of my friend's sites.
- Kewl Links - These are sites that I tend to visit on a regular basis or I just think are good sites.
That's it for now folks. Thank you for your time and have a great day!