Tuesday, June 12, 2007 by SirMeili
I was over at Sean Corfeild's site, An Architects View, and noticed that Safari 3 beta is now available for download on windows machines! I hope this means I can test sites on it and won't have to worry about getting a mac to test it on (though I do plan on switching to a mac in the future)
Here is a list of browsers I test on:
Here is a list of browsers I test on:
- Safari 3 beta
- Firefox 2 and 1.5
- IE 7& 6
- Opera 9
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007 by SirMeili
Percentage bars, as I call them, can be quite useful when giving your visitors many different types of data. I have struggled with these objects for many uses, and for the longest time the code was unreadable and just plain ugly.
Here is the newest version of my progress bar:
Its not overly obtrusive. Its simple, clean, to the point, and best of all, extremely customizable!
For some reason in IE, this example does not show the text overlay. Using the same exact code on other sites produces the proper results, so I think it may have to do with my site and perhaps a conflict somewhere in my existing CSS. I am tracking it down as we speak trying to figure out why that text disappears even though when searching for it IE does find it, even if it doesn't highlight it.
(click 'More...' to read how I make them)
Here is the newest version of my progress bar:
39% (39Mb of 100MB Used)

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007 by SirMeili
Hello again all,
I was sitting here in my living room, watching Mythbuster's, and doing the old procrastination thing to avoid writing my Humanities paper, when I thought to myself I should write something on my site. Actually, I had a very specific topic in mind, one that had been on my mind since, well, since I bought my house actually. See, every since I bought my house I've turned into a sort of clean freak. To the point where sometimes I think I get looked down upon on it, or get dirty looks as though I am trying to be 'better' than the people around me. Well, here is my chance to profess to the world around me what exactly it is I am doing.
I was sitting here in my living room, watching Mythbuster's, and doing the old procrastination thing to avoid writing my Humanities paper, when I thought to myself I should write something on my site. Actually, I had a very specific topic in mind, one that had been on my mind since, well, since I bought my house actually. See, every since I bought my house I've turned into a sort of clean freak. To the point where sometimes I think I get looked down upon on it, or get dirty looks as though I am trying to be 'better' than the people around me. Well, here is my chance to profess to the world around me what exactly it is I am doing.
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Thursday, May 17, 2007 by SirMeili
Ok, so I'm taking Humanities Survey I this semester at the good old SFCC in town, and to make it worse, its a 6 week semester. I think i"m hanging in there ok, nightly quizzes, a 750 paper due each week for 4 weeks straight. Ok, fine, I can deal with that, but I do have my limits......
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007 by SirMeili
Ok, so...I'm not the type to usually stereo type people, but I've got to vent this, and well, it was better than me getting out of my car and cursing a lady out in the Woody's parking lot. Why would I do that you ask? Well, I'm sure you've already figured out it must have something to do with her car...
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Sunday, April 1, 2007 by SirMeili
HI all,
I'm back for a small article on a new object I threw together called genericDao. I created this object for a quick project I was working on for my brother's DnD group, with the hopes of being able to access multiple tables with the same object with minimal setup. I got the basic idea from talking with a friend (Alan Szlosek). He told me how he was working with a new class type that allowed him to access database rows as an object. This object would retrieve, cache (when necessary), insert and update 1 row of a database table with little or no set up needed. Now since he used PhP to do it, and php classes have some functionality that I am lacking with CF, my implementation is not as clean as his probably is. Please note, that I understand my friend did not invent this type of database access, its around for quite a while if I"m not mistaken. he is just the one who told me about it. Ok, now that I've gotten the disclaimer out of the way, I can move on...
I'm back for a small article on a new object I threw together called genericDao. I created this object for a quick project I was working on for my brother's DnD group, with the hopes of being able to access multiple tables with the same object with minimal setup. I got the basic idea from talking with a friend (Alan Szlosek). He told me how he was working with a new class type that allowed him to access database rows as an object. This object would retrieve, cache (when necessary), insert and update 1 row of a database table with little or no set up needed. Now since he used PhP to do it, and php classes have some functionality that I am lacking with CF, my implementation is not as clean as his probably is. Please note, that I understand my friend did not invent this type of database access, its around for quite a while if I"m not mistaken. he is just the one who told me about it. Ok, now that I've gotten the disclaimer out of the way, I can move on...
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Saturday, January 6, 2007 by SirMeili
Hi all,
Sorry its been so long since I've written anything on the site. I've been really busy trying to get the house up and running. I finally finished painting my office last Sunday. So at least I can work in some sort of comfort, though I have yet to unpack everything.
Want to know what else is going on? then read on..
Sorry its been so long since I've written anything on the site. I've been really busy trying to get the house up and running. I finally finished painting my office last Sunday. So at least I can work in some sort of comfort, though I have yet to unpack everything.
Want to know what else is going on? then read on..
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Monday, October 30, 2006 by SirMeili
Well everybody,
I said I would give an update on everything. I'm still not 100% on the house and the bird is still dead. I'm more leaving an update to say that Mimi was doing better till Sunday night when she began to go downhill The doctor said she passed away this morning. We did all we could for her. I'm just glad she isn't suffering anymore.
I said I would give an update on everything. I'm still not 100% on the house and the bird is still dead. I'm more leaving an update to say that Mimi was doing better till Sunday night when she began to go downhill The doctor said she passed away this morning. We did all we could for her. I'm just glad she isn't suffering anymore.
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Friday, October 27, 2006 by SirMeili
Well....I know I don't have it as bad as some...I have a house with a roof over my head, food, and a shirt on my back, but damn this week has been hard. Let me fill you in...
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Thursday, October 19, 2006 by SirMeili
Hello all,
I thought I would give you all an update on the house. As many of you may know, I own my own business (shameless advertising: www.frankthompsonconsulting.com) Well, this caused many problems while trying to get a mortgage. Fortunately a small local bank eventually helped me get my primary loan (www.riversidenb.com/).
My second,however, was harder....
I thought I would give you all an update on the house. As many of you may know, I own my own business (shameless advertising: www.frankthompsonconsulting.com) Well, this caused many problems while trying to get a mortgage. Fortunately a small local bank eventually helped me get my primary loan (www.riversidenb.com/).
My second,however, was harder....
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